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Application procedure for Erasmus+ incoming students

Ask the international office of your university if there is signed an Erasmus+ bilateral agreement with the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology of the University of Zilina or check the list of uviversities that the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology of the University of Zilina has bilateral agreements with.

To come to University of Zilina as an Erasmus+ student, you must:

  • Be enrolled as a student at your home university.
  • Be nominated for the exchange by your home university.

After you have been selected by your home university:

  • Find courses that you wish to take.
  • Prepare your Online Learning Agreement
  • Fill in and send by e-mail before our deadlines to silvia.pirnikova@uniza.sk scanned copies of signed documents:
    - Student Application Form (the document includes a housing request)
    - Transcript of records
    - Proof of the English language proficiency

Application deadlines:

15 June for autumn semester

30 November for spring semester