Action CA19121: Network on Privacy-Aware Audio- and Video-Based Applications for Active and Assisted Living
CA16212 - Impact of Nuclear Domains On Gene Expression and Plant Traits
Action TN 1302: BESTPRAC
Action IC1407: Advanced characterisation and classification of radiated emissions in densely integrated technologies (ACCREDIT)
Action CA 15104: The Inclusive Radiocommunications (IRACON)
Action CA15213: Theory of hot matter and relativistic heavy-ion collisions
CA17124: Digital forensics: evidence analysis via intelligent systems and practices
AO8673: SALSA - Stratospheric Autonomous Landing System Application
PLSK.03.01.00-24-0181/18: GAME JAM as new didactic method. Improvement of quality of teaching in area of new technologies in region of polish-Slovak border
Project of the European physical society international physics MASTERCLASSES